We Provide Screw-Free Implants!
Kind to the bone
No screws to break, come loose or harbor bacteria
Our Office is Bicon® certified
THE BICON SYSTEM is a unique dental implant system, offering the worldwide dental community a comprehensive solution since 1985. Bicon’s engineers and clinicians have been responsible for many of the innovations in implant dentistry for decades.
We Offer No Obligation Implant Consultations!
Immediate Function
Immediately after the placement of the implant, a transitional tooth can be made which provides the patient with a functioning tooth during the 3 to 4 months of healing.
Functioning transitional teeth after patient's first appointment.
Treatment may be completed in only 3 visits.
Implant placement to final restoration possible in 3 to 4 months.
Patient is never without a tooth.
Most everyone has heard of dental implants as a way to replace missing teeth.

If you have just one or two missing teeth and it’s affecting your smile or chewing, implants can be a great way to replace them
If you have several missing teeth but have a lot of your own teeth that are good, and you don’t want something removable, a non-removable bridge on 2 implants may be a good solution
If you wear dentures and they slip, slide and hurt and you have trouble chewing, an implant retained denture will make you happy and comfortable
There are many different systems and manufacturers, but we have chosen the Bicon system…and for good reason.
Single Tooth Implant

Most implant systems are comprised of several components, which are held together by screws with a septic connection, with bacterial seepage. The crown is often affixed to the implant with an additional screw. As any engineer will tell you, screws inherently loosen and break. Alternatively, the Bicon implant system is comprised of only two components, with a bacterially-sealed, 1.5? locking taper connection. The two components are the implant, which is the portion that goes into the jawbone, and the abutment, which fits into the implant and provides a solid base for a permanent crown or removable denture.
Implant Retained Denture

Many patients have told us they would like to do implants but another dentist told them they would need additional bone grafting, sinus grafting, etc. that adds a lot to the time and cost. Bicon’s elegant design provides for greater surface area than other implant designs, thus enabling the use of shorter implants which often negates the need for costly bone grafting procedures. Also, Bicon’s design provides for 360? of universal abutment positioning. This allows for the use of extra-orally cemented crowns, as well as for the screwless and cementless Bicon Integrated Abutment Crown.
Please call our office to learn more and set up a consultation appointment.